Sir, This is about Skin/Hair Problem I am 34 years old and from my childhood I was using coconut oil containing some herbs and had heavy thick hair and frequent fever & headache due to that.But at the age of 14 ,I started doing some beauty works on my I have done heating,stopped using oil,applied toilet soap frequently,dried under Fan and frequent combing.Then the thickness started receding.5-8 hairs on my comp ,each time combing,that too frequent combing.At the age of 16,the thickness reduced considerably and some white part was able to be seen b/w hairs.I was masterbating daily during the period (Age b/w 14-21).Later from age 18 onwards I started using same oil again.At age 19-20 I was using Homeo Arnicated coconut oil.At the age of 21 I have done Aqui puncture (Achinese methodology) on my head for improving blood circulation for hair growth . From Age 21-till now,I am using different oils.Among them was the Cadmium added oil.Earlier I used two bottles of Minoxidil 5% and I found ,it was a great success.Thick hair growingevery where.After stopping it ,the earlier situation came back.If there is no tension,no hair fall.Now only 20 % hair on top(From front to back by thickness).Side/back no problem.No hairfall.Using different oils.Seeking your advice.Help Sir, Onemore thing Sir,I was using a herbal oil for some 4-5 years in which Cadmium was a content.Any problem in it.Now I like to use it again.Your advice on it? Then next,If there is any problem on using MINOXIDIL 5% or MINOXIDIL 10% for a long period? Yours sincerely Anz