Hi, I have HIV with cd4 count at 206, when diagnosed last year it was 64 - Later in year in Novenber I fell and broke my hip in two places, while waiting for operation I had 3 heart attacks - I nearly died, I`m on two types of heart medication everyday plus my antiviral medication. I also have high cholestarol at 7.2, I`m allways tired and get out of breath for the slightest physical effort. I have three doctors who oversee my care, I dont look ill but have costant pain in hip - it has been 6 months since operation and still cannot pick my leg up without me lifting it up with my hands. I do see a physio therapist but he does`nt understand my problem. So I`m dealing with a number of health issues and I forgot to say that My blood thickness is also giving problems -on warfarin 12mg daily -my level can`t come right it is either at 1 or shoots up to 4.3 never at 2.6 which is normal. I feel very tired all the time and listless - which is not me, feel frustrated and fearful. Kind regards Steve ( I`m 46years)