hello, my name is diamond. i have a senario and question that im curious of. me and my boyfriend have been having unprtected sex lately. i understand that you can become pregnant anytime you have unprotected sex. well, my boyfriend have ejaculated twice within the same minute at the time when he was really to cum. we always use the pull out method. i have gotten my menstrual may 22, 201. i usually stay on for 4-5 days. when i got my menstrual on the 22nd of may, it wasn t heavy i had light flow and spotting here and there. that was the first day of the menstrual. the second day spotting, light flow but alittle clot not normal for me..... the third day and fourth day nothing.. i notice that i only had my period for a day and a half... so not normal.... i took a pregnancy test came back negative, i dont know what s going on, but i think i am pregnant... i been dreaming and little symptom here and there.... question is can it be pregnancy?