hello ,
welcome to healthcaremagic forum,
as per your description you are suffering from hairfall,
dandruff and acne , do you have acne ( pimples) on
scalp, ace and back (below neck) ,does it scales ,any itching you do then you are suffering from
seborrhoeic dermatitis which is an
inflammatory skin disorder ,it causes due to
stress,fungal,secondary to other medical conditions, an anti dandruff shampoo can help you to get rid of for couples of days but not a permanent solution untill you treat it internally ,
you can apply olive oil on scalp before bath , donot keep it long .
Homoeopathic medicines surely can help you for seborrhoeic dermatitis ,hairloss,acne at a time , as its very safe, effective and natural, for further info you can write down to (drvigclinic @gmail.com)
takecare,wish you good health always .