I am a 26 year old male. My hair has been receding slowly since about the age of 20 and thinning (on the front half of my head) since about the age of 23. I have always had periodic issues with dandruff and oily skin/hair, but the last few years my scalp has been very itchy and flaky with a noticeable odor. My dermatologist prescribed Ciclopiorox Shampoo , Selenium Sulfide Shampoo, and Fluocinonide which I have used for the past year and they have helped dramatically with the dandruff and itching, however the odor still persists. My wife described the odor as an oily one and says that it seems to originate from the front half of my scalp (where I noticed my hair thinning). The odor is strong enough where I can smell it myself only hours after i shower, unless i am outdoors. What could be the cause of this odor? Is this (along with the hairloss) a symptom of something other than genetic balding? If not, how can I at the very least neutralize it?