I sink its doesn't meter i never done anything close whit another guy but i watched gayporn x time (i asked my friends (3 people) about "do they ever watch gay porn" and they all told me yes ) + i watched horse (1 time ) animal(1 time dog :) ) 3D(x time ) Hentai (x time) porn too. i am 21 now and i am in love whit girl but i sure if i feel someday the same love too boy i will try whit him anything he ask.Sexuality need too be depend on love not on male/female. Heteros are stupid, gays are stupid the right way is always the middle :)
+ More on if you even fuck (fucked by) another guy it not means you are gay it means you just was feeling your self good , when you masturbate you doing it whit guy hand too (!) ,sex is just mechanical process ,whit or whit out love it feels great