HELP I NEED TO KNOW IF IM EATING TOO MUCH or NOT dying to know. I am 5'5 weigh 123 lbs. and 19 years old. I work out 6 days a week. 3 days a week cardio (running/biking or eliptical) and 3 days weight lifting (all muscle groups). I work out for 30-40 min each time. I eat 3 meals and one snack per day. I eat all organic. I do not eat any foods with partially hydrogenated oils (cotton-seed or soybean), and I also don't eat foods with high fructose corn syrup, or white flour. I eat all whole wheats, including organic "real peanut butter". I eat dessert typically 2-3 times per week, and it's a bowl of ice cream or a cookie or something, because I LOVE dessert. Especially ice cream. I feel like I am not eating enough sometimes, and sometimes feel guilty when eating dessert. And so I have been trying to eat dessert 3-4 times a week for the extra calories. Is this okay? am I eating too much or not enough? if it makes a difference, I have recently in the past couple months stopped getting my period and I feel it's excersie related and also a body fat percentage thats too low. PLEASE HELP!! I want to know if I can keep eating dessert 3-4 times a week without gaining weight, and still being healthy?