I had liposuction 10 days ago - flanks, arms, pubis, back. Immediately following surgery , while still at the facility, I had awful chest pain that I have never had before following surgery. They told myself and my husband that it was normal and to take deep breathes and try to cough up the junk which I never had before either and I have had many, many surgeries. My severe chest pain lasted for about 5 days and every time the nurse would call to check on me I told her that I was feeling better from the surgery but my chest was very very painful with sharp pains and she just said it would get better. Within about 5 days the pain did get better but not totally subsided. Flash forward to last evening, 10 days after surgery....totally unrelated I started getting sharp, constant stabbing pains in my left lower pelvis radiating around to my back. It got worse and worse and a 10 on a scale of 1-10. My husband took me to the hospital and a CT diagnosed a kidney stone AND to my surprise a pneumothorax! The ER dr specifically said that the surgeon punctured my lung during surgery and I should have come to the ER and had a chest tube put in....but the nurse just kept telling me that it would get better, it would get better. The ER dr did say that it appears it is healing itself but if it happens again to get to the nearest emergency room. I am to go to my family dr in 4-5 days for a chest xray to check on the healing of the pneumothorax. I had a preopchest xray and I am assuming it did not show any sign of pneumothorax. Preoperatively otherwise I would have been informed by the surgeon or staff. Question: is this a typical complication from liposuction? Should I get myself an attorney? I know that my chances of developing another pneumothorax within the next 2 years are 40%. I am only 50 years old, in good health, aprox 154 lbs and 5’10” tall, and not a smoker..now what?? How will this affect my way of life from this point forward? What do I have to be careful of so I don’t get it again? Thanks