Hi Welcome to HealthcareMagic Forum.
I Would like to know few things here so that I can suggest you better:
1.) Do you have fever?
2.) Do you have any History of Sexual Exposure?
3.) Do you have Itching?
Your History suggest nothing serious but a Scrotal
Folliculitis which, which is the Infection of hair follicle down there. You can get yourself examined by a
Urologist to rule out the infection as you may require antibiotics or topical antiseptic creams. Kindly don't panic, stick to your treatment plan and go for regular follow up.
Follow these routine until the wound heals completely:
1.) Apply Heat pads regularly
2.) Keep the area dry and clean
3.) Use a sterile razor for shaving the pubic hair
4.) Drink plenty of water
5.) Eat healthy nutritious balanced diet which should include fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables.
Wish you Good Health.