Wow. That would be impossible to say, because there are too many factors here that you haven't given us. Are you a heavy smoker? Do you smoke and take birth control pills? Are you overweight? Do you eat alot of foods containing hydrogenated or saturated fats? And this one you won't see you eat alot of pork and shellfish?
Unfortunately, age does not protect you from
heart disease. On the upside, there are other things that could be causing this pain. (Like
angina - a
stress related condition that can mimic heart trouble, but frequently clears up when the stress goes away.) Only a doctor could tell you for sure what is causing your pain and whether some sort of intervention is needed. (Medication, surgery, whatever) But remember that a doctor will only address the symptoms - it will be up to you to examine your habits and the choices you make every day and begin eliminating the CAUSE of the trouble.
Having said that, I want to say this: If you are having all these symptoms at the tender age of 19, chances are you need a major lifestyle change in your eating and exercise routine. And I use the term "lifestyle change" instead of "diet", because diets are usually temporary. A lifestyle change is simply that....a change that should last you the rest of your life.
Just because most of America eats crap on a daily basis, don't take it for granted that you can do that too. None of us are really getting away with it....we have the highest amount of money spent on healthcare and the greatest amount of food available....yet as a nation we also have the highest incidents of heart disease,
diabetes, and cancer. And the average age for developing these diseases is dropping...many are no longer considered "age-related" conditions because we start pumping our children full of the crap that wasn't even around at the turn of the century. (Think margarine - a REAL killer, caffeine, artificial sweetners, artificial fats, preservatives, overly-processed and under-nutritious foods...on and on it goes.)
So let me give it to you in a nutshell: Change your food to reasonable portions of whole grain breads (with healthy oils only-no hydrogenated fats), organic fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meats (NO PORK OR SHELLFISH OR ANY SCAVENGER MEATS THOUGH - THESE CONTAIN PARASITES AND GARBAGE THAT IS NOT EXCRETED.....SO ALL THE DEAD DECAYED JUNK THEY EAT, YOU EAT). etc. Eliminate white breads and sugary, processed snacks. Eat well and exercise every day and you will be rewarded with a body that is highly energized, healthy, and lean. And you won't have to ask these kinds of questions "am I having a heart attack" for years to come....if ever.
If you would like more information, please go to, or do a search on "Dr. Ted Broer". That man has the best nutritional information I've found - EVER. His tapes are life-changing. Mostly practical things like I just gave you.....but it definitely will stir you up and change your perception of what is truly considered "healthy". It will also change how you feel...
Good luck! Wishing you all the best!