You need to find out the exact cause for your cancre sores.
Though recurrant ulcers may indicate a hepes simplex infection, it is not uncommon in elevated
stress levels, in patients with a family history of the same, with
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, especially Crohn's disease and
GERD), some Anaemias and Leukaemias, & as a reaction to certain antibiotics like Penicillins (rare) and a variety of other irritants which include citrus fruits and even toothpaste sometimes.
A proper investigation to establish the exact cause of your ailment is thus needed to find a proper cure, so please visit a good
Dentist, or an
ENT specialist to start up on investigations.
Also, you need to take a few precautions:
1. Do not take stressess, or tensions
2. Drink lots of water.
3. B-complex therapy with Zinc & Antioxidants will help.
4. Do not consume spicy foods (eat bland foods) and citrus fruits, and include a lot of curd & buttermilk in your diet.
5. Check the contents your toothpaste, & if it contains sodium dodecyl sulfate (better known as sodium lauryl sulfate; acronyms: sds or sls), then change it, You may be allergic.
6. Very rarely, (as studies are not well established, so not much known), people develop an
allergy to Cow's milk, which can cause oral cancres.
7. If your mouthwash helps, keep using it.