Most likely a non-harmful condition called Tinea Versicolor. It results in splotchy loss of melanin resulting in a lighter color skin. To my knowledge, there are no harmful side effects. But, the melanin does not return.
On the back of my hand the color is white or no color-I am very pale and I don't tan I was thinking it was Vitalargo. I am correct.
Sounds like Vitiligo. If your doctor will give Elocon ointment, try that. Then move to Protopic or Clobitisol ointment, twice a day (I don't think Clobitisol should be used on the penis, too sensitive). Given that you are pale, you might just decide to live with it. If you decide to skip the steriod ointments, you can use those fake tan lotions on the spots to even out your color. Vitiligo is not harmful, but the patches are visually annoying.