thanks,I have gone throuh your question.It's really a disabling problem and seems potentially serious. I feel empathetic for you.For complete evaluation,some information is worth of importance.
2.marital status, if married, history of
infertility,no. of child,
3.menstrual period:too long,excessive blood loss, pain before,during,after period
pregnancy related complications:M/R,induced
abortion,cessarian section
anaemia,early morning diarrhoea
6.any medical consultation regarding this problem,any medication,any investigation esp an ultrasonography
these questions are to be answered before embarking on a concrete diagnosis.
For your kind knowledge, I am suggesting you a few investigations
1.ultrasonography of whole abdomen withspecial attention to pelvic organs
2.complete blood count
hope that these will give avaluable clue to your problems.
waiting for your kind response