i am 21 years old and male. 36 days ago i suffered an injury to the penis playing football. i was kneed in the penis. for the first 2 weeks after this injury, i had sharp pains up the length of my erethra, pain when urinating, pain when errect, and pain in general for the whole of the penis. the pain did start to ease, and my erethra no longer has sharp pains. in the last 2-3 weeks though, my urinary stream has weakened. it is still reasonable though, and i am able to empty my bladder . although there is some dribble at the end which takes a while to milk out. urination is sometimes uncomfortable, and sometimes feels ok. my penis also now bends to the left slightly, and the right side is slightly more swollen than the left when errect. my main problems currently though is a sensitivty that has occured in the last two weeks. my penis head (glans?) has become extremely sensitive. so much so that walking is a problem as it rubs against my underwear. i am curcimsised since i was a baby so it is always exposed, and i have never experienced sensitivty like this before. i masterbated today, and it was very uncomfortable with slight pain, and during ejaculation, it was quite painful, and did not feel right. i am concerned that i have permantly damaged my penis, and would appreciate as much of a diagnosis and advice as possible from what i have written Optional Information: Gender: Male Age: 21 Already Tried: i went to the doctor 2 weeks ago. he tested me for urine infection and it came back negative.