Anything that irritates the stomach may be a cause ; over-eating, eating improper food, spicy food,improper combination, swallowing chemicals of any kind. Symptoms are : vomitting, pain,
bloating of stomach, coated tongue,
bad breath, feeling more thirsty and aversion to food. Orange peel is one of the best remedy for
indigestion. Grind orange peel to a powder form and add vidanga in equal quantity. Dissolve this mixture in water and consume the mixture for three to four days. This will help kill the worms inside your stomach and alleviate abdominal cramps.
Extract vinegar from sugarcane juice and add to few grams of Chickpea. Keep the mixture covered for one night and next morning chew the mixture. Immediately after eating this mixture eat a spoon of castor oil to expel dead worms.
Prepare a mixture of banyan tree root and add jaggery to the powder. You can even add fennel seeds for better results and consume the mixture twice a day to cure indigestion.
Prepare a big glass of buttermilk and add rock salt, roasted cumin seeds and pinch of black pepper. Drink the glass of buttermilk three to five times a day. This will help in expelling worms responsible for indigestion.comming to the naturecure treatment it is advised to take
enema , and keep a wet cloth on abdomen daily in the morning for 15 min it helps u a lot