Yes ignore
cholesterol, full stop. Half the people who have a
heart attack have 'normal cholesterol'. The
stress caused by worrying about cholesterol levels will do more harm than the cholesterol itself.
Many people giving out advice here are simply regurgitating baseless drivel with no idea what they are talking about.
You can safely ignore anyone who says;
"cholesterol is a waxy substance that sticks to the walls of your arteries"
This is absolutely bollocks. Cholesterol is transported around the blood in
lipoproteins. THESE are what is measured on your
blood test. The cholesterol is only given to cells that 'ask' for it, by way of a specific receptor. The lining of arteries, the
endothelium, is a smooth surface designed to allow blood flow. Nothing sticks to it. If this is damaged, then in response to the inflammation
lipids and cholesterol will be deposited, later during the process.
"There are two types of Cholesterol" (using the terms good and bad)
There is only one type of cholesterol and that is cholesterol. The difference is in the lipoproteins that carry it around the body. The idea of good and bad is ludicrous, All lipoproteins have a purpose. They do not behave like juvenile delinquents, running about causing mindless damage.