Considering your highest heart rate 96/min, what you call high is actually within normal limit (60-100/ min). Now , heart rate can not be constant always i.e it can not remain 70 throughout the day.
there are hundreds of causes (normal as well as abnormal) of
increased heart rate .
But you dont fall into that category.
if you lowest heart rate was 60 or more and cosideering highest as 98 then its absoliutely normal, dont get panic for your heart rate.
Yes what you say fast may be - you can personally feel that your heart is beating, (usually one is not aware of heart beating).
Anxiety or any mental
stress or even lack of sleep can causes it.
BP you said 88/56, i would like to know what is source of this reading, is it electronic device?? if so they are highly inaccurate many times, more so especially if you use the one at wrist.
A carefully taken manual reading is most reliable,
it is not uncommon to have BP of 90/60 as a normal reading of one,
what is the highest BP you have known.
Low BP can cause giddiness(you can even fall), darkness in front of you r eyes, feeling very weak, altered mentation etc kind of symptoms, did you experience any of them ??
You MAY opt for 24-Hrs ambulatory BP monitoring (ABP) which is a small device tied to your chest and it will automatically record BP , over 24Hrs
It will provide helpful insight