Hi I have a problem with indigestion most all the time, and I cant go to the bathroom all that good I do have High blood pressure and im taking Atenolol 110 mg. also I take over counter vitamins such as C B12 mens multi, and a fish oil, also have been taking Ranitidine 150 mg. I have had the problems for a while now but usually go away after a week or so, but it is getting more frequent that im have these problems, the Ranitidine I have not been taking everyday just when I get indigestion, I dont really have a doctor as such to go to I go to a clinic to get blood pressure meds and the Ranitidine, but they are limited to what they can diagnose for me, I am 48 165 lbs. 5 7 I do smoke and yes I know I have to quit, and I drink coffee alot of which im going to start cutting way down on, had some blood work done back in 2006, 2007 and was no problem with any of it at the time please help