You have not mentioned the allergy type in your family. Is it
milk allergy / milk protein allergy?
If so,
consult pediatrician immediately. It could be dangerous for your child to have formulas with milk protein.
The best food for your baby is always BREAST MILK. If there is any contraindication or you don't like to breastfeed - formula can be given.
Flatulence / gas discomfort in babies are very common. Passing gas for 10 to 15 times is very normal for your baby. If excessive flatulence occur, you should concern. Most of the air comes from aerophagia (infant intakes air during drinking). Though, it is more common in breastfed babies, bottle fed babies also have the problem. However, gas generated in intestine during digestion is little tricky to deal with. You can do the following maneuvers to relieve.
1. Burping the baby after feeding (gentle patting on back in sitting position on putting the baby upright holding against chest with baby's chin supported on your shoulder) brings out the gas in stomach.
2. Put your baby on her tummy for some time. Little pressure will help to evacuate the gas.
3. Hold her in football holding manner with face down and tummy resting on your forearm, chin resting on your hand.
4. Put her on back, hold her legs and move as bicycle paddling.
5. Do a gentle tummy massage in clockwise manner when she is lying on her back.
6. Choose the right feeding bottle with a soft nipple that contours along baby's mouth and lips thus preventing air from flowing along with the milk/formula. The milk/formula should flow gradually and slowly so the baby has time to drink and swallow and does not gulp excessively.
7. Change the formula to one that produce less
gas problem. NAN HA contains partially hydrolysed nutrients that are supposed to be digested easily. But if the previous one was more tolerated by your baby, change back to it. Get help of your pediatrician to choose the right formula. Probiotic added formulas sometimes help.
8. If the methods fail, medicines (like -
Simethicone) may be necessary. Get help of your pediatrician before starting any medicine.
Infant may sometime pass stool once in 2-3 days normally. Please notice if stool is hard, pebble like, dry and the baby has to strain for passing it. She may drag her legs to abdomen during passing hard stool. Hard, painful, difficult to pass stool needs attention. Remember,
dehydration is the major cause behind many cases of
constipation. Check if her formula is prepared according to recommendations and it is not thick.
Always feel free to get help of your pediatrician if the problems persist or you feel something not normal with your baby.
Hope I could make it clear. Post if you have further queries.