Hello madhuyes87,
At the outset I would like to place my appreciation for the following
1. Donating blood
2. Concern for prospective spouse
3. Above all children.
At any cost you deserve full support of the medical community.
Your doctor is 100% correct.
Let me explain.
The incidence of Hepatitis B has been quoted variously but World Health Organisation says India is neither high or low intermediate. Suppose in a theater there are 400 people then 8 to 28 people may have your problem ( 2 to 7%)
So you have lot of company. Because there are so many people around, lot of research work has been done. And several personal examples called anecdotes.
Suppose 1000 people are Australia antigen positive like you, all will not need drugs.Who will need anti-viral drug can be gauged only by periodic
liver monitoring. Once in six months is nothing. In general only those people whose HB e antigen is positive are likely to transmit the disease. If you are negative, be happy.
I am treating several children born to Australia antigen positive mothers.
What we do is we give these children gamma glouin as soon as they are delivered.
Best way for your spouse is to check whether he has taken
hepatitis B vaccine. If not let him take 3 doses in 3 months. In another 3 months time he will be protected. Then you can go for children. Being frank with the prospective spouse will be helpful.
We are there in the public forum to provide the medical evidences.
with regards