the night before last night I had some minor cramping feeling like I had to poop. By the time I sat on the toilet, the cramping had already escalated quite a bit. After about 10 minutes of attempting to poop and enduring waves of worsening abdominal pain I was able to drop out some small stool. It took about 30-45 minutes and my stomach finally was able to clear everything out it seemed, hard stool followed by diarrhea. During this I threw up once, I was sweating like mad, I thought I was going to pass out, and my heart rate was tough to find (low blood pressure?). After a few hours it all calmed down. During early morning I kept waking up to stomach cramps that would send me to the bathroom, only this time, I was pooping blood only (and clots). I went to the ready med, and they were able to identify that my colon (left side) was inflamed a lot. They gave me a stool sample retriever to take home and send them. Unfortunately I have not taken a #2 since then untill now, which I still pooped only blood (more clots this time) and it was a bit darker than before. I havent had a fever, but I did have a headache yesterday most of the day. I have been drinking pedialyte which has helped me out a lot. My stomach is still in a bit of pain and it hurts more when I attempted to go #2. Should I go to the hospital tomorrow? or call my doc and see if she can get me in? Also, should I just give them the blood as a stool sample since thats the only stuff that seems to want to come out?