Hello Doctor,
Im Angela , I have problem of external piles as well as internal piles problem.This started initially on 28th sept 2013,i Had bleeding while defecating and also pain as something hurting and causing unbearable pain inside while passing stools n lots of blood in the commode.it continued for 5 days with the bleeding and hurting pain problem only during defecating.
then I consulted doctor at a hospital emergency department and she without examining, only recommended syp Avolac 3times a day for 3days (2 spoons) and proton tablet twice a day for 5 days .But instead of this medicine I was having the same trouble and it did not help me in any way.
On 11th Oct 2013 because of constant pain and bleeding during defecating we consulted doctor at Apollo Hospital and doctor instantly suggested for stapler surgery,and prescribed daflon 500mg tablet twice a day for 5days),Ornidazole 500mg tablet twice a day for 7days),Isabgol husk twice for 21days),Sitz bath with potassium permaganate twice for 21days and application of Jasocaine ointment and Nitrovas ointment (4:1 ratio) after sitz bath.
Now the swelling is reduced and also the lump is small and getting dried, and also very little pain while defecating and sometimes or No bleeding while defecating, please suggest me whether I should go for surgery or wait to heal it naturally. Actually I want to avoid surgery because of the complicationsof surgery and after surgey problem, please suggest me on highly urgent basis, I am suppose to admit today i.e. 18th Oct and stapler surgery scheduled on 19th Oct,please help me doctor....
Also recommened me some natural healing products or any medicine from your side to help me with my problem so that I dont have to go for surgery and also suggest me so that I should never face the problem again.
Awaiting for your reply,
Thankyou very much,
Angela Miranda