Interstitial Pneumonia is the most common pattern of Interstitial Lung disease (ILD), resulting in scarring of both the lungs, and ultimately inflammation and fibrosis. Any systematic symptoms (
shortness of breath,cough) noticed by your health care provider??
2. any associated Auto immune disorder like RA, lupus, scleroderma??
3. Since it's an Inflammatory disorder, thus cortico steroids are given to reduce the inflammation, thus in your mother's case, prolonged use of steroids and complications of ILD has resulted in
Hypertension, Weight loss., check with bone mineral density (BMD) for Osteoporosis
4. moreover steroids causes Immuno supression, thus herpes infection has occurred due to lowered Immunity against secondary Infection.
5. main complication of ILD is scarrring,which can't be reversed, so
Pulmonary rehabilitation is treatment of choice:
i. breathing techniques to improve lung efficacy.
ii. emotional and nutritional support.
oxygen therapy along with yearly influenza vaccination and periodical pneumococcal vaccination.