Hello. In the past,over the last 4 years I have had very irregular periods. At first they were very random and then I stopped having them at all. I went an entire year with one menstrual cycle. About ten months. After that,withing 6 months I got a period. I felt very low on estrogen in general,no breast cyclic changes even durring the few periods I old occasionally get. The next year I got about 3 periods that year and the next year(2001) one every other month. That pattern continued to 2012 untill about October when I started menstrating each month after that again. I must mention I was severly depressed before all this and also experienced metabolic changes,slow digestion,low energy. My father commit suicide in 2009 and I fell into deep depression. Now I do get my period every month,on time and my body seems to have slowly gotten back into its natural rythm,besides my need for extra sleep each night. Perhaps a thyroid issue? The only change in my cycle this year was in June,when I failed to get a period,after a sever cut to my hand that required stitches. It came a bit early in July,I assumed due to the shock of my accident,then back to normal since. This month september,I got my period on schedual but now,weeks afterward heading into oct,my breasts are still very tender and enlarged and I also have had consistent bloating in my pelvic,lower abdominal area with a lot of gas. My breast have nvr continued to be sore after my period,only ever for about a week before and once I start bleeding it usually subsides. I wonder if my hormones are in overdrive due to the inturuprion and instability of my hormonal cycle in past. I feel that my body has endured a lot of psychological stress and is just now back in balence,which took a long time. Should I be worried about my breast pain? And could it indicate a serious problem,beyond just a symptom of my body correcting previous imbalance? This has never occurred before even with all my cycle unpredictability in past. Suggestions,comments please??!!