So back before I had my kids, my periods use to be irregular. After having my 2 kids, they've been coming once a month, just never the same time every month. Sometimes the beginning, the middle, or towards the end of the month, but at least once a month. So my last period started September 19th, its been almost 2 months since that. About 2 weeks ago, I started getting pain in my hips, kind of like I did when I got pregnant with my first. Frequent headaches, and pain in my lower back. Also experienced some bloating, tenderness in my breasts, along with a fullness feeling. I went to get checked out by a doctor, the did a blood and urine test to see if I was pregnant, but came back negative. They also did a pelvic exam to check for masses on my ovaries, everything was good. So as a week went by, most of the pain has gone away, until today. I've been very irritated, and now I'm having a lot of pain in my breast. They hurt when I cough, lay on them, or put pressure on them. So I took another home pregnancy test, and again came back negative. Is there something wrong with me, or am I just going crazy?