Hi Doctor,
My son is 5 months old. For the first 2 months, he regularly passed stool (atleast once a day). From 3rd month onwards, he passes stool once in 4-5 days. It is first green in colour, then greenish yellow. It is not so hard too. He is fed with breast milk as well as Nan Pro 1. My pediatrician says green stool, or 4-5 days time has nothing to worry unless the stool is really very hard and baby finds it very hard to pass stool.
I have started giving cerelac rice for 2 weeks now. There is no change in stool colour. However, stool is first a little hard and then becomes normal. Is this normal or should I take some precaution? Please advise.
P.S: My son was born prematurely in 35 weeks.