Hello and thank you for using HCM.I carefully read your question and I understand your concern.
You should not worry about.
I will try to explain you something and give you my opinion.
You should know that we talk about
hypertension if we have mean value that exceeds 140 / 90 mmHg.A person might have high value during emotional and physical strees so to tell if it is something to be treated or not we should judge on mean values.
If you have mean diastolic blood pressure values above 90, this is not normal. If it is just one sporatic episode than you shoud not worry. According to
heart rate, normal heart frequency range between 50-100 beat for minute. So, 70 beat for minute is quite normal.
To be absolutely shure for your blood pressure I would recommend some examination like a cardiac echo to evaluate heart function and walls, a full blood analyze to chek renal function, electrolyte and a holter pressure monitoring to evaluate your mean values during day and night.
Only after this we can be absolutely shure if it is something that we should monitor or treat.
Hope I was helpfull.
Best regards, Dr.Ervina