Hi,Dear,Thanks for your query to HCM.
Dear I read your query and reviewed it with context to your query facts.
I understood your health concerns and feel Concerned about them.
Based on the facts of your query, you seem to suffer from-
Crohn's with Entero-
Colitis causing abdominal
Terminal ileitis with Inflammatory bowel with white plaques from enteric grannulomas in the base of the multiple ulcers..
This causes right lower abdominal and umbilical pain with low back ache and bouts of loose motions followed with
Constipation.Nauses is from Reflux acidity and
Your Diagnosis-
So basically you have "Crohn's Disease" with IBS-which is auto-immune disorder,which leads to to grannulomatous ulcerations in lower part of ileus to maximum.
Hope this would resolve your health issues in the best way possible.
Welcome for any further query in this regard.
Good Day!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N.
Senior Surgical Specialist