yes, thank you so much I am quite scared and alarmed. I went to local store for a couple of items and on the way home I could not figure out where I was, it was familiar places??? I am 53 years old the only medications I take are prozac which I have not taken in a while, I had head trauma in near fatal auto accident in 2006, 11 years ago ??? titanium plate and rod.... I am not asking for a diagnosis online... I know I need to get to dr. Just started new job today :) been under a lot of stress my major concern and question is ???? I lost my mother to alzheimers 2 years ago :( see where I am going with this ??? I heard, people that have had head trauma could be at higher risk to develop alzheimers????my mothers father who also had alzheimers passed away from the diseaseI am trying to educate myself online, but difficult to trust in urban myths ////??????and fact ?????den