Hi, my husband recently had a biopsy done on a spot on his back, the biopsy came back normal, but quickly became infected, they put him on antibiotics and it seemed to clear up, earlier this week the spot felt very hard and tender, today he realized it had formed a head and was draining a small amount of pus. He proceeded to pop it before telling me. Then I noticed what he was doing, and convinced him to allow me to do. It for him to make sure he got all of the pus out. The spot is only about 5mm in diameter, and all of the pus was drained and the wound looked clean, after I walked out of the bathroom to get him a bandage, I heard him screaming. He had taken a q-tip and poured rubbing alcohol on it and stuck it in the hole cleaning it out....i know he needs to see a Dr. But he is very stubborn. Will the rubbing alcohol hurt him or cause more damage? The wound looks much better and clean and not swollen. But I just want to make sure.