I am 40 years old, weight is 79.5 kg, height is 5.6. I am 32 weeks prgenant an this is my first child. I have undergone all the blood test, sonography test. Everything seems normal but my 3D reports shows a single viable foetus in a brech presentation with foetus spineto the right. The placenta is posterior in position showing grade II maturity. The internal Os is closed cerical length measures 4.0 cm. Amount of liquor is adequate Amniotic fluid index measures 16 cm which is within normal limits. Fetl cardiac activity and movements are present Foetal Heart rate 129 b.p.m. The fetal right kidney shows mild fullness of pelvicalyccal system, the renal measuring 5-6 mm. Left kidney urinary bladder appears normal. There is no eveidence of any other gross fetal anomaly. Ma'm request you to pl let me know if there is any problem with the baby and what are the chances of cesarian. Will the baby have to undergo any kind of surgery. Pl do let me know. Great Thanks. As of now I am on Bonanza and folic acid medication.