Hallow Dear,
I do empathize your concern as in occasional case, some light to normal bleeding may occur at the time of expected menses during early
pregnancy. Moreover you have sore breasts.
You had light bleeding for two months. In January it was 5 days late when you performed pregnancy test on urine which was negative. You should have repeated it again after 4 days since sometimes these tests can report false negative results if performed too early.
Now in February, you had menses rather earlier than expected period; again with lighter brownish bleeding.
I would advise you either to perform pregnancy test again on your urine or to go for
ultrasonography. In fact at this stage, if pregnancy is there, ultrasonography should give direct visual evidence of pregnancy.
If you are not pregnant, you could be having some
hormonal imbalance. Birth control pills for three months might help you regularising the menses. If they do not, please report to the Gynaecologist for hormonal work up and management.
You may report the changed pattern of your menses to your Gynaecologist.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri