Hello, Thanks for the query.
I have seen the details given. A blood
glucose level of 257 mg after food is a clear sign of having
diabetes. The criteria to diagnose is FBG 126 mg and above, PP 200 mg and above and HbA1c% 6.5 and above.
Therefore you need to initiate treatment for diabetes forthwith. Do not delay. Many persons do not get any specific symptoms when diabetes develops. That is one of the reasons why it is unrecognized for quite some time.
Along with starting treatment with oral antidiabetics (like
Metformin + a Gliptin), you will have to also adapt modified lifestyle, meaning taking restricted diet, avoiding sweets, junk foods, colas, pastries, bakery items, alcohol and even
smoking. Plus exercise daily for at least 1 hour.
My suggestion is please your personal physician or a dibetologist and start the treatment. Take care. Also get your eyes checked for ruling out
diabetic retinopathy. Thanks.