Hi, my lmp was 20-24th August, i really do not know when i ovulate but i had unprotected sex on the 8th of september and we used withdrawal method (i know for sure), i just don't know if the pre-cum got inside me although he urinated before we had sex. i have a very irregular menstrual cycle but i guess i am supposed to see me period anytime from yesterday. i don't have any other symptoms of pregnancy except that my breasts are swollen and teats ache (which i normally feel before my period), my stomach has burning sensation sometimes and kind of like gas, i sometimes feel a slight contraction at the lower part of my stomach as though when my period is coming but it is not as sharp and it's just for a few seconds. i took a home preg test and it kind of came out positive though i am not too sure because it wasnt digital and the horizontal line in the plus sign (+) was very faint. Please i want to know, was i suppose to be ovulating when i had sex, can the pre-cum if it got in me get me pregnant and can i be pregnant right now. please help me.