Dear Sir, Recently my father had an emergency urine retention problem and catheter is put for urine flow.USG report of my father is as below. BOTH KIDNEYS: Kidneys are normal in size, shape and position. Margin of both Kidneys shows smooth configuration. Both the kidneys show normal cortico-medullary differentiation. No evidence of calculus, hydronephrosis or scaring is seen. No focal lesion is seen. Bilateral renal parenchymal perfusion is normal. No bilateral pararenal collection seen. Rt. Kidney : 9.53 cm x 3.53 cm. Lt. Kidney : 10.28 cm x 4.80 cm. URETER: No abnormal dilatation seen. Both pelvic and vesico-ureteic junction are collapsed. URINARY BLADDER: Is optimally distended. Coarse irregular mucosal thickening seen with 4.2 mm being maximum thickness - trabeculations seen. No evidence of calculus, diverticulum or focal wall thickening is seen. Folley s bulb is seen in situ. PROSTATE: Shows coarse & heterogeneous parenchyma with nodular hypoechoic focal area and is moderately enlarged in size and normal in shape. The prostate measures about 5.82 cm x 4.86 cm x 5.89 cm, weight 87.35 gms. Median lobe measures 48 gms showing lobulated protruberance indenting bladder base by 28.4 mm. No focal lesion is seen. No focal dilatation of the prostatic urethra is seen. The prostatic capsule is intact. Peri prostatic fat planes are maintained. Both the seminal vesicles are normal in size, shape and echotexture with normal termination. No focal lesion is seen. Right seminal vesicle measures : 1.80 cm x 1.41 cm. Left seminal vesicle measures : 1.94 cm x 0.80 cm. Screening of bilateral iliac fossa regions show no obvious focal bowel wall thickening, soft tissue lesion, free fluid or lymphnode. No edema / fat stranding seen in both iliac fossa. No free fluid is seen in pelvis. Bilateral pleural spaces reveal no free fluid. IMPRESSION: Grade III prostatomegaly with prominant median lobe, mildly coarse - heterogeneous parenchyma. Chronic retention with cystitis changes. Please suggest what to do now.