im a 31 year old lady and i recently found out i was pregnant 1 week ago today, the next day i started with a brown discharge, then 3 days later this turned to blood but only when i wiped, this had got darker and has a ground coffee like bits in it almost grainy. i went for a scan yesterday and they did a pregnancy tesy first which she said was negative so refused to scan me and told me i had lost my baby, i came home very upset and dont know why but i did a home test this came up straight away VERY positive, i called the hospital who told me to come onto the ward they also did a test that came back positive although she did say it was faint and could be 2 reason one that i am miscarrying and two that im just earlier than i thought. i have had very mild cramps nothing to write home about and no blood clots, as u can imagine i have been very upset from bein told i lost the baby and now we are not sure. i did another test today which was a very dark positive line and a digital one that said i was 2-3 weeks and i am going for a scan on friday. can the coffee like grainy blood be normal sometimes as i have read some women can bleed alot and go on to have a healthy baby, but it just talks about blood?? please help