hey, well i have been on lustral for numerous years, and although i thought it was a good form of anti depressant, until, my boyfriend who i found dead 7 months ago, i feel it doesnt work, my depression has spirraled out of control, i dunnot leave my house, chris, who was my bf, well hes on my mind every single second of the day and i dont get a break from thinking about him, i'm in a living hell, the same routine, wake up and it hits me hes gone and ,ah to be honest i dont know how else to say it, but i just wish i was with him, he was me everything and im stuck in this dark horrible place and the feeling "happiness" well i don't know that feeling anymore, my doctor said he'd start me on Effoxer, from a person who has suffered with severe anxiety from the age of 7, i dont know if it'l work, even tho i dont suffer anxiety atm, but im so low and sometimes see no way out, thank you for listening to me,
Angelina x