Hi, so straight to the point:
My girlfriend and I had protected sex for the first time with her and she with me, (we had been with other people explaining that we are no virgins), I used a condom and took it off only when we were done and satisfied, after that we took a bath together but we did not continue having sex just enjoyed the warm bath. No penetration was done after sex.
It's been 11 days now, she started having some minor cramps, and her breast were hurting a little, she had explained to me that it was a natural thing that happens before her period, i understood that because she has the same feeling during her other periods and i've been there for her and practically knew the whole process by now, i wasn't worried neither was she because we have been together for 5 months now and we now these things.
Ok Now is when the stress started, she started reading a couple of things about pregnancy on the internet and she has been comparing a couple of things that has happen to her lately after these 11 days
>She had an explosive fever that hit 40 one night but got better the next day
>The cramps that she was having were a bit stronger
>The bleeding was very low
>Due to her stress she cant sleep well, she says it's insomnia one of the symptoms she read about.
>She has been stress lately due to the article of being pregnant she read.
So, my question is:
Do you think she could be pregnant? And what can these symptoms the she have mean?
She is very worried, but i am there for her.