Wellcome to Health care Magic
Thanks for asking.
I have read your answer in detail and will try my best to answer it in detail..
COMMENTS: copper head snake venom usually destroyed blood vessels but not nerves so nurotoxiciy and restruction usually doesnt happen.
The are sometimes swells up so much that nerves get compressed and area can get numb may be permanent damage can occur sometimes but this happens rarely.
Mechanical damage by the bite can also be a cause of any
nerve damage.
As blood vessels are damaged and blood oosed out in surrounding area
bruise formation is not extraordinary thing but it should subside as time goes on but it is aided as foot gets mobilized
1- You dont have to PROTECT your foot to touch the ground this way it will go in disuse
atrophy and would lose even its nirmal function and get weeker and weeker.
2- join a rehablitation facility which has a good
physiotherapy department and consult available.
3-Physiotherapy will make your foot better and other symptomes are expected to imorove with this as well..
4- Physiotherapist will tell you exercises which you will have to do and it will be your will power only which waill make you a normal person from a criple.
I hope that answers your question if you have any follow up question please don't hesitate to ask