I had a knee injury about two months ago. I went to the ER and had x-rays and was told I had torn my meniscus. The leg was put in a brace and I was put on bed rest. I followed up a couple of weeks later with a specialist at a Bone and Joint center who confirmed the ER s initial diagnosis. I was told it would take at East 6-8 weeks to fully heal, or surgery might be needed. I ve been walking with either a walker or crutches, partial weight bearing when able, and have been improving each week. I think I pushed myself too hard a few days ago by accompanying a family member to the dentist for oral surgery then going out to fill their prescriptions because later that night I started to have extreme pain in the back of my knee when bending or straightening the leg, and when walking. I ve gone back to resting the knee and the pain seems to be improving, however I ve also noticed my foot and ankle are swollen. Is this normal, or should I be concerned?