Yes, I want to order some Ginger Tea...I want it for my nervous stomach. I do drink 1/2 coffee, and I find I get a little distress in my stomach from it occasionally...I do not take any OTC things like Prilosec, or even anti gasses or anti acids...I am a young healthy 62, and do not take any medications...Dr. Weil suggested Ginger as a stomach reliever...and I thought I would try it. What do you think? I do not have a doctor's appt. for 6 I thought I would ask...I have normal to low blood pressure..I am 5'4 and weigh 142 pounds...I am more muscular..I do drink about 3 glasses of white wine per week (not red, red wine makes me nauseated) ...that would be the maximum...mostly 2 glasses, but occasionally I will have 2 glasses on Fridays. I have a pretty healthy diet...I get lots of fiber daily...I eat a burger or a big hot dog about once a month..but otherwise I eat leaner meats...lots of black beans and lentils..lots of blueberries and sweet potatoes..also I have taken to putting Chia seeds in my oatmeal which I eat about 350 days a year for breakfast....real oatmeal not instant....