1. It is easier to treat hyper pigmentation than to treat hypo pigmentation, so prior to any alternate system of Medicine, check with dermatologist/cosmetic surgeon regarding other possible causes: decrease of
melanin, melanocytes or the
amino acid Tyrosine, and/or
leucoderma .
PS. Only a medical professional can determine whether the symptom are of an underlying health condition or not, thus examination becomes necessary.
2. usually color of lips change when either there is some
fungal infection or extreme dryness [since they have no oil glands to keep them moist, they depend on water for moisture.
. drink at least 8-10 glasses of water to maintain hydration.
. use coconut oil mixed with almond oil [early morning and night]
. use a good sunscreen on your lips, whenever going outside
. avoid licking of lips, try changing your toothpaste
. mix ghee [clarified butter] with wax and
massage the lips.
. cocoa butter helps to lock moisture of lips and also reduce discoloration.
. you may add few drops of honey to vaseline and then apply on lips.
. you may apply
aloe vera gel either by freshly extracting the gel from the leaves or you may but from general store [near you]
4. Although there is/are documented evidence of ginger juice improving hypo pigmented patches, [by producing melanin from inside out] but best is to co ordinate with your Dermatologist.
You can ask for specific prescription medicine tablet/ointment Pigmento [charak] for the same.