Infections/Sexualy Transmitted Disease/- Physical examination will be required. Sexologist/Medicine M.D./Dermatologist could be of more help to be exact. it may require for you to undergo some tests too.
Your only hope is to revisit these young ladies and obtain a sample of what lies inside their vaginas. This is best done by double wrapping your erect penis with duck tape with the addhesive side out. Vigorously plunge the your duck taped monster into each of these women.Don't be afraid to work it hard as this will accumalate more disease samples on the Duck Rape. Don't hold back as this is a medicial prodedure. When finished unwrap the tape,smell it and have your friends smell it like a wine cork. remember that odor. Take to crotch Doc or goat Vet and have them smell and thoughly test for antigens or scuz wads. repeat if necassary. Frame each sample of duct tape to hang over your mantle so as to remind you of the dangers that lurk in the bush of the big ugly. You might xerox copies of your unit and mail them off to leading medical schools and universities and in list their assitence to rid you of these raging dong pustules. Post pics of your by this time sadly misshappen and rotting lug wrench on the net. Pull it out at parties to get sampathy from young nursing students. At the end stage the best that can be done is high amputation replacing your own snorkle with a woven polystyrene cock printed with arcane satanic art. This will not be easy or pain free. Be thankful that you have know your flesh sword for 27 years and give it a decent burial.Drink copious amounts of 151 rum around the clock for several years until the pain subsides. Pay no mind to the phantom dick pain as it's gone for good
You have been with not one but three unclean harlots. No doubt you have not saved your self for the sancitity of holy martimony. You have become a sexual lepor. Your offspring for many generations will suffer the curse coming from your unwillingness to follow the Laws set down in the scriptures.Now your only hope and salvation is to follow the presciption found in the book of Leviticus. Self flagilation or whiping yourself until bleeding daily for 12 moons. Don't begin to draw pleasure from this so it is best to perform this in the public square so all can see your filthy bleeding nakedness and curse you acorrdingly. Next you must lash a large stone or brick to your cursed manthing. This stone should weigh at least 5 lbs and be worn 24 hrs aday for at least a year. Your cursed manthing will begin to elongate and ache from weight.Pay it no mind and pray that you recieve even more pain. Now at last the the final right of purification! Fire! You must apply fire to your cursed manthing and pray while doing so that you be releaved of the desire for impuirty that comes with possesion of a manthing.When you look down and observe the chared remains of your cursed manthing and be grateful to God that you no longer possesed by it's evil you will then know you are healed from the encounter with the harlots. May God and Peace be with you!Let the healing begin!
Oh, the ignorance of those who rely on ancient ideas instead of modernity. Today with progress and pure thought we know where evil springs from in man. The cursed manthing is but a conduit for evil but does not originate the evil. With the modern veiw we relize that evil eminates from the manstones,manbag or that which dwells beneath the man. Though flagilation,elongation,and trial by fire are sufficent for the cursed manthing the suggested ancient process in the previous post leaves the orginator of evil untouched. The scrotum must be thoughly cleansed of the impurity that lies there. This does not need to be a long drawn out affair as suggest by ancient texts. Simply summersion of the testicles into boiling oil for a period of not less than 5 minutes will be sufficent to rid the man of his pestilence. Please note that the modern concepts are better equiped to handle man's need for purification. Peace,Love,and Harmony be with you and God's blessings on your many pure generations. Be brave and purify youself!