Sickle cell anemia is the specific form of sickle cell disease. it is a genitic disorder which can be passed on from parent to child. perseon affected with sickle cell disease his life expectancy is reduced to 48 years in males and 42 years in females. children suffer from repeated serious infections which require daily antibiotic injections as prophylaxix through out there childhood. repeate bone infection causing bone fracture, infraction of the brain, progressive kidney failure, painful ulcers on legs. to say the child with sickle cell disease will sufffer a lot. child with sickle cell trait do escape from all ill effects of the disease but they will act as a carrier and pass on the trait to their children also.
Hi.... The genes that causes diabetes can be transfered genetically to the offspring. But unlike sickle cell anaemia where the percentage of affected offspring is known, one cannot predict the chances of diabetes affected child in diabetic parents.. Generally the chances of diabetes is high in the offspring of diabetic affected parents. Though medically it is not advisable for two diabetics to have relationship, there no sufficient proof available to prove otherwise.