I agree with only this last comment, be gentle, look for little signs move the computer and lock it up cept for time you can check. she is only 12. good luck and God be with ya both
oh she is just exploring the great joys of sexuality so she doesn`t end up pregnant from reall sex so mabey help her tips i would love some oh now exuse me
when i was 12 i used to masturbate with a big, hot, long, sexy, wet, hot dildo! :)
She might just be attracted to girls. Maybe watching herself masturbate turns her on.
I sure whould like to help them, it whould make both of us feel good.
If there any girls that are 18 or 19 that want their legs rubed let me know I whould like to get stiff. bsilky@frontiernet.net
ok, since this is a place where ppl ask questions and try to help each other ill admit that i am a girl and masterbated since very very young. like 7 young. i only taped it once out of curiousity. that may be what it is for her and i hope that is ALL it is. however i would kinda mention torwards the tape and stuff and talk to her about it. DONT GET MAD. that will cut off her wanting to talk to you about things like that. my mom and me would talk about it and stuff. stay calm and level headed about it. i advise telling her the danger of posting the vid or showing anyone. i think she jus curious. unless she look like she was posing or whatever on purpose then you got a prob...if she like girls then jus talk to her bout it and be calm and gentle about it. im bi so. yeah its a ruff life and i hope she don ever start tht. if she do tho being there for her is the best idea.