i dont know what has been going on with my body for the past few months. i had unprotected sex in july. i made sure to take the plan b the same day. i went through the side effects of the plan b, nausea, cramping, etc. I did not have a period follow plan b pill. A week later I used my birthcontrol (nuva ring). I took the ring out after 3 weeks and during the 4th week experience a light, normal period. During this time i began seeing white spec in my urine and i began having white discharge, no odor not clumpy but thick. i also started noticing a lot more bubbles in my urine, that did not pop. i have also been experiencing bubbly fluids in my abdomen. I have had very mild cramping sensation for the last week or so. I have a 7 month old baby, and so i began associating the bubbles in the belly, and the white specs in the urine, and the discharge as being signs of pregnancy. I have taken a pregnancy test for the last 11 weeks in a row (that is how far along i would be if i were pregnant.) and all of the tests are negative. I began wondering if i was experiencing an issue with my kidneys or bladder. Do you have any idea what could be going on???? During my pregnancy i experienced extreme morning sickness and many other symptoms that i do not have. I have not gained any weight. My lower abdomen feels a little bloated, my ovaries feel swollen. i should start my period in 2 days. this will be the 2nd period i have had since the possible time of conception. I have not used birth control this month. I have obstained from sex for the time being. i have experienced a kidney infection in the past (10 years ago) and have none of the pain that i experienced then. please help....any suggestions????