I have read your query carefully . I understand your concern.
pregnancy arrives near term ( 38-39 weeks), the
vaginal discharge increases , this is because, baby starts descending down in pelvis & causes a stretch on lower segment of uterus-This process may not accompany regular
labor pain.
Walking helps this decent. But when you sit on le cross position, the outlet of
pelvic cavity is stretched out to allow the head still down, pressing on the outlet- that's why the pain.
You are still 2-3 weeks away from expected date of delivery. The remaining days will be utilized for decent of fetal head up to the mouth of uterus.
Labor pains are caused by
- pressure of fetal head on uterine mouth ,trying to push it open.
-This along with hormone secretions from maternal brain start uterine contraction.
If the discharge is mucus like & thick but not watery, please don't be scared. Till you get the pains you should-
- maintain genital hygiene, continue with routine life activities.
- Watch fetal movements - keep a count ,to note increase /decrease in movements./ have fetal
heart sounds measured every 4 days.
- Visit your doctor weekly/ earlier, to assess the progress/ normality of baby & your own health.
wish you all the best. take care.