i have a general question fer the doctor that deals with brain injurys from a tramatic brain injury,if this isnt the way to ask can u direct me in the proper way please and ty.... on may 6th 2013 my husband was cleaning out a trailer at work, inside the back of the trailer there was a a steel support beam going across the trailer( keeps it from collapsing) my husband smacked his head right into it, hitting the top of the forehead so hard that it buckled his feet right out from beneath him, he immediatly head the ringing in his ears, he still doesnt know if he passed out but he does know it took him awhile to be able to get up again... anyhow since then he has very bad days where he cant walk straight so off balanced, ringing in his ears contantly, irritable n snappy, slurred speech and frustraion, loss of prefrial vision, mild hearing loss, he has hard time dealing with cumming in and out of dark and light or at night time dealing with headlights or very bright lights, sometimes he gets so bad he cant dress himself or get in and out of bed himself... things like elevators or sneezing or trying to do to much or consintrate to much or closing his eyes trying to do sumthing sets these things off when hes having better days, He does have good days where he can drive a lil bit he can ride 4wheeler with me he can walk fer a lil while BUT on the good days he has to take frequent breaks and if he does too much he is down on a bad day fer 2-4 days later.... MY question since i am not knowleged about T.B.I. is, IS this normal, i mean is it really possible that he can have these good up and bad down days like this? all the cats scans n mri s are normal but he defently isnt the same as he was before the accident, does this kinda thing ever go away? But my biggest question is, is this good one day like not much is wrong, and then bad again like everythings wrong, then better days with sum problems IS ALL that normal to?