Hi, I'm 20yrs old male who lives in the UK and I'm quite insecure about my height. Now, I've done the research regarding my situation and what I've concluded is that my height is just above average by an inch or 2. My doctor also confirmed this to me but it didn't really changed the way I perceived myself. There are apparent ways to increase my height by the right diet, with stretch exercises like yoga that is said to increase height according to my research.
To keep this short as possible, my doctor did say there's a possibility that I'm may still grow an inch or so, because guys are said to grow taller in later years compared to female counterparts, somewhere between 16 to 25yrs old. Of course genetics also plays an important role as well which I shouldn't really worry about cos my family members are quite tall. I want to know your personal opinions on this matter because I'm interested in hearing what other people's perspectives are, thanks. P.S I'd like to grow 3 inches which I do not see happening.