Hello. Thank you for your question and welcome to HCM. I understand your concern.
Yes. It is possible. EKG is a test that reveals the ad hoc, at the moment, state of electrical system of the heart. If there is some acute ischemic process going on, it is captured by the EKG, because these problems, in acute setting, are reflected in it.
Echocardiogram is a very useful tool to asses the status, movement and function of the heart wall, valvular system and other. It is very sensitive and specific if you had a recent or remote
myocardial infarction, but it cannot depict blockages in the coronary arteries.
Diabetes does significant changes to arteries of various diameters, in the body. It does not spare the coronary arteries either. I do not have your angiogram report to tell you more, but if coronary
artery bypass grafting was recommended to you, then it must have been at least two-vessel disease and/or coronary blockage in a critical site, where
stent placement carries a lot of risk.
I hope I was thorough with my answer. Good luck with the procedure.
Best regards,
Dr. Meriton